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Potty issue

20 10:54:58

Hi Dave!

I love reading your answers and replys to everyone! I have already learned a lot. Anyway, I have a question. I have a 5 month old sheltie. And for the most part she does well with potty training when inside. But just now and several other times. She has been outside for a good bit today, I just brough her inside and gave her a treat and sat down at the computer. Macie was sitting behind me and in like less than 2 mins I get this smell of poop and sure enough I turn around and Macie pooped right on the carpet! She knew it too! She immediately ran to her crate, but I scolded her and took her to the poop and pointed to it and said bad dog, no, no potty outside and then I put her out. Any reason why she would poop or pee inside after being outside for a while?

Hi Laura,

Thank you!

The bad news is this is your fault, kind of.  She's only 5 months and you are the adult!  You need to leave her outside long enough to make sure she poops. The scolding is fine, as you can tell she already knew it was bad when she went and hid.  

What you can do is:
1) keep a mental record of poop activity.  Get a grip on what times she goes or if she doesn't go that she should be going the next time out.  Don't write it down or keep a diary or whatever, just use you head. If she didn't go last time she most likely will go next time.  Also,
2) figure out the signals...?  My Shelties practically take themselves out.  Possum will keep walking to the door and looking at me.  Jinx gets on my chest and painfully paws my face.  Each dog and owner works out some kind of communication.  Work on it with her.  

Also: don't forget the lottery-win-happy when she does poop outside.  
