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bringing new puppy home

20 11:02:16

Hi, Dave
Just wanted your input on what kind of dog food I should give my new baby when she first comes home.  

Also, how often should she be fed every day and how long till she can do the once in the morning and once at night?

Also, my "Lily" will be coming home tomarrow.  If you have any advise for an expectant mother, any prepertations I should make things like that it would be much appreciated.

Delina Volkerding

Hi Delina!

With a new one we should first check with the breeder to see what she has been eating.  You'll want to transition her into a growth or nutrition food that is closer to what you usually buy or recomended by your vet.  I personally buy only products with "meat" as the primary ingredient.  Use this barometer and you can't be too wrong.  There are extremes as to how much some people will spend, but I generally recomend to avoid corn-based foods as that is what most folks can manage to do.

As far as feeding... well puppies will need about a quarter to a half cup of food twice a day.  The potty schedule is totally unpredictable for the first 16-20 weeks.  You can help determine it by walking first thing before and after breakfast and dinner, and before bed.  Don't stop the walk till some bodily function is completed.  Act like you won the lottery when they go potty outside.

For your preparations, buy a whole bunch of chew bones and pigs ears.  Get a crate or kennel for the puppy to sleep in until she is properly potty-trained.  (She will avoid making potty in a confined space just large enough for her to curl up comfortably).  Those pee-pads are ok, but the best thing we have found are those pads supplied for hospital beds to absorb accidents-(sorry, I think a nurse friend got them for us and I have no idea where to look!)

Just remember that you are bringing an infant into the house who has been taken away from all that is familiar to someplace scary with all new sounds, smells and RULES!  Be gentle and guide your pup slowly.  Start out with a small area to roam (like the family room) and then branch out to other areas later.

Hope that helps!
