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Overgrowth of pads

20 11:02:04

My Sheltie is 15 years old and is not as active as he once was.  As a result, his pads are growing out faster than he can wear them down.  I'm talking about his pads, not the hair between his pads (which we keep trimmed).  Any suggestions?



Hi Kathy,

I have not run across this before.  It is also unusual to get questions about a Sheltie over the age of 14... you have an elder in the Sheltie world.

I'll have to default to the physical exam answer here.  Meaning I can't accurately diagnose your question via the internet.  I'm not sure if this is because of activity level alone.  Maybe it is a combination of activity level and some other problem.  

I'll explain: the symptom you are describing lends itself to a world of different possiblities.  Why isn't he active?  Is he in pain?  Are his cognitive abilites ok or is he developing a form of old-age illness in dogs?  Is he overweight?  We are talking anything from arthritis to senility as a possible culprit.

It has only been in the last few years that new treatments have been available for old dogs.  Perhaps it is time for a vet visit and bring notes on any changes in behavior.  

Sorry I couldn't be more exact!  Hope this helps!
