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Seperation Aniexy/ Adapting to our new home.

20 10:55:01

Dear Dave,
We adopted a sable 1 year old sheltie from a rescue center. He is very wary of strangers and doesn't seem to trust us? I think he misses his foster home. Is there anyway I can help him adjust better?

I have been reading about shelties on the internet, and at the library. School will be starting soon, and my kids will be gone, leaving Dusty [the sheltie] all alone. I am afraid he will cause destruction when he gets bored and loney. What can I do?

Hi Christy,

Crate train. That is your best answer.  

If the crate was an abusive situation previously then these are methods to train that the crate is safe it just takes longer.  

First, give treats inside the crate but leave the door open.  You will be amazed at how quickly they go from being afraid of the crate to choosing to retire to it to nap.  

Second, make there are some nice smelling comfortable sleep stuff in there (such as worn t-shirts from their favorite people on a nice pillow).


Fourth: if possible, put the crate where there is a lot of activity but is still a safe area.  We keep crates in the master bedroom.  If possible put the crate there or in sight of the family living area where your pup can observe what is happening and feel a part of things.

It takes a lot of time to heal an abused dog.  It also takes a great deal of patience and consistency.  Try to find a routine to help the dog adjust.  Start early with the school hours routine so he is used to being crated during the day.  Be sure to moderate food and water access prior to long periods in the crate.  Never more than 8 hours tops inside a crate at a time.

I hope that helps!