Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > EARS?


20 11:02:14

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Question -
I have had my puppies ears taped since she was 8 weeks old.  How long or how do I tell when they can be undone?  How long do they need to be waid down..?

Delina Volkerding
Answer -
Hi Delina!

Hmm, I'm not sure how old your puppy is.  My memory is fuzzy on this issue but it seems like we pulled off the tape at 5 months and the ears were trained.  We did the "weights" for about 8 weeks total.

Clearly it depends on the muscles of the ear.  If when you remove them the ears stay tipped then just use the lotion on them to keep them soft for the next two weeks after removal.  If you ever think you see one coming back up, go back to the tape with the lotion.

Hope that helps!


Lily is 12 weeks old now (4 months).  I have been using mole skin and skin bond to keep them down.  I was just asking because it is a very hard process to get them glued down.  With Chandler and her planing all the time they get rough so they come undone alot and I have to do the whole process all over again.  Just trying to get an idea of how long this will have to be done.  She came from champions lines so I would really like her to look the part even if she is only an companion.  Now what I mean.

Thanks Delina

Hi Delina,

You are so welcome!  Yes I do know what you mean by wanting the perfect Sheltie!  Realisticlly the best answer is a minimum of a month.  Try not doing the glue down for a day and see if they stay down.  If either one starts to pop up, do it for another week and try again.

I may not be the best one to ask, as my first Sheltie has two stick up or "broken" ears.  The second one has one proper and one "broken".  The new third one is perfect, but she was adopted from a breeder who really worked hard on those ears.  We like perfect shelties too, but realize that our pup accepts our imperfections too.

Hope that helps!
