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20 11:02:15

Followup To
Question -
Ok, I have brought my puppy home and she is now 9 weeks old.  I would like to begin some training.  Just the basics stuff.  What do I do to make her understand the word "no".  I try to use a different tone when I use the word(and of course never use a heavy hand) but it doesn't seem to effect her at all.  She totally ignors me.  I know she is really smart but what can I do to teach her the words.

Also, is it to eairly to give her puppy treats?  I would like to use them in training to sit,lay ect.

Answer -
Hi Delina!

Ok, to talk puppy lingo you need to think like a mommy dog. If she does something bad grab her by the scruff of the neck and push her to the floor firmly but gently while growling and then say "NO".  She will begin to associate no with no.  Just make sure not to use her name for punishment use "DOG" or "PUPPY" so she won't associate her name with being bad.

Anytime is ok for treats.  I would not expect a great deal of progress on training for a while.  Focus on getting her to look at you when you say her name first.  You can work up to sit and more advanced concepts as you go.

I recomend two guides: Dog Perfect or the "Idiots guide" for dog training.  Each have the methods we have used with our Shelties with great success.  

Hope that helps!

Ok, act like the Mom dog, I can do that.  What is the best advise for house breaking?  You said previously to act like she won the lottery when she goes outside.  Any tips on getting her to tell me she needs to go or is repetition and freqent trips outside all I can do for now.



The best combination of things is:
First, be as consistent as possible in when and how you take her out.
Second, follow the advice of no water/food except at feeding times.  
Third, use crate training techniques.  The crate is their safe place and they don't want to go potty in their "den".

At this age you absolutely will not get proper muscle control over the bodily functions.  This will be developing at different rates for different dogs, as early as 12 weeks and sometimes as long as 24 weeks.  Heavy rewards and light punishment are the key because your pup wants to please you.

Repitition and consistency is the key to a happy sheltie (or any kind of dog).  They like a regular pattern and to know where they fit.
