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my dogs ears

20 11:02:13

Recently my sheltie's left ear has started turing down.  She is eight years old, and I have never noticed this before.  Why is this starting to happen?  Also what are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Hi Darlene,

Let me preface this response by saying I am not a veternarian.  The vast majority of physical issues are best dealt with by a physical exam which is virtually impossible in this kind of forum.  However I will always attempt to point you to some thoughts and resources whenever I can.  

Regarding hypothyroidism: normal spring shedding does not mean your girl is sick.  As I don't have a more detailed account of why this question I'll give the general response.

Shelties have a "high normal" thyroid activity.  So if you think her thyroid is too low then it should be checked out by a veternarian.  A "normal" reading for most comparable dogs is too low for a Sheltie.  Symptoms are excessive weight gain and patchy fur loss.  Here is an excellent weblink for more data:

As for the ear turning down, a difficult one to answer because a Sheltie's ear is supposed to be somewhat bent at the end of the tip.  If it is more extreme than this, please ask your vet.

Sorry I could not be more help.   Let me know if you have any other questions!


The left ear is turning down?  I'm not sure I follow that.