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Puppy Issues

20 10:55:04

Hi Dave, I hope you can help me, I have a 4-5 month old male sheltie named bear.  My family has had shelties in the past so I kinda knew what I was getting into.  Well, when I am home, Bear obeys me as well as a 4 mo. old puppy can.  We are teaching him sit, quiet and come...and so far...he kinda gets it.  Sleeps good in his crate at night and is doing good at potty training.  He does however have some issues.  First off, he hates my husband.  Whenever he gets up from the couch, Bear starts barking uncontrollably at him.  When I'm not home, he won't go outside unless the kids are telling him to go out and if my husband goes to pick him up, he will bite him and pee all over the place.  Of course my husband eggs him on by staring at him, while the dog is barking...I'm sure this doesn't help.  
Next.  He is forever hiding under things.  The table, my daughter's bed, the train table.  I'm sure when he learns to "come" this will subside, but its annoying.  (oh and he likes water sprayed in his that doesn't help)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Your husband likely doesn't want to but actually is being very mean in dog terms by staring at the dog.  The stare is a demand to fight in dog terms and he's doing it to a little kid who knows nothing-the 5 month old Sheltie.  Not a good way to start a relationship.    

If you husband doesn't want an awful time of the next 12 years get him to do this: the next time the Sheltie barks at  him have your husband do a fake sneeze out of his nose/mouth at the sheltie followed by a play bow.  The play bow is where he is on the floor and kneels down arms out while looking at the puppy.  This translates into a laugh and let's play.  

It would be a good idea to have a pull toy handy for this exercise.  Also 4-5 months is an excellent age to teach fetch.

If you want to discipline him without water try the 5 pennies in a cola can.  It makes an awful noise and he will run away from it.

From the question it seems that your husband wasn't in favor of the dog; but he'll have a much happier life over the next decade if he works with instead of against the dog.  Being top dog in the house is more than being firm or mean, it's also being loving and fair.  
