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New Puppy!

20 11:02:37

We are the happy owners of a wonderful 22 mos old female sheltie. I am thinking of bringing home one of her "brothers"...a 3 mos old male from the same parents. What is the best way to introduce the pup...and is it a good idea? I think she would have a bal with another dog to play with.


hooray!  Two is the minimum number for true happiness in my opinion.  Yes, a great idea for her to have a playmate.  

Introductions:  depends on your dog.  It is always a safe bet to introduce them at a location outside of the home and then bring home the pup.  Let them get comfortble with each other a bit before you head back home.

The important thing is to make sure you (and all the other humans) adhere to the dog pecking order in the home.  She gets talked to, petted, fed, attention, treats, playtime, bath---- EVERYTHING GOES TO HER FIRST.  Above all else that will help her accept the new pup.  

New pup needs his own bed/crate.  His own food bowl.  He will never share with her unless she volunteers that privilege.  You'll need to invest (not buy, 'invest' because you'll buy a lot of them) in rawhide chews. She will likely want whatever he has so make sure to have extra on hand.

We have never regretted having 2 shelties.  Takes some of the burden of constant playtime off of us.

Hope that helps.
