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Dave, help.Lily has arrived...

20 11:02:15

Dave, help.

Lily has arrived and Chandler is taking is OK.  I have one problem though.  I have bought all kinds of toys, some for her and some for him.  He doesn't want any of them untill she plays with one.  Whatever one she has is the one he wants.  He growles and showes his theeth.  I showed him the ones that were just his but that doesn't seem to help.  If he is playing with one and she picks up something else all of a sudden that is the one he wants then. Please advise

Hi Delina,

You are experiencing pack behavior from Chandler.  This is HIS house and she is subject to HIS dominion in the pack.

I would not worry too much about this.  He should calm it down in the next few weeks as he becomes accustom to her.  His desire to take what she has should wear off.  When it comes to chew bones, I suggest putting 5 out at a time.  She will always have another one to choose from even if he takes hers.  

If he exhibits behavior that is overly rough or very aggressive you can be a pack dog yourself.  Grab him by the scruff and growl at him just like a mommy dog would.  Show him that while he is ahead of Lily, you are still over Chandler.

Hope that helps!
