Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > Frequent pooping?

Frequent pooping?

20 10:54:55

QUESTION: Hi Dave, this may seem like an odd question (sorry), but it seems my 6 mo. old Sheltie is pooping an awful lot and I don't know if this is normal or not.  He does it 4-5 times a day, there is no strain and it looks normal.  He is a very active guy and gets a ton of exercise every day!  Could this attribute or is it just normal for his age?

thanks dave!

ANSWER: Hi Michele,

No problem, I'll take a stab at this:

How much do you feed him and how often?

How many chew bones is he consuming?

Shelties only need a little bit of food.  If he is getting lots of exercise try feeding him 2 cups of high quality dog food.  If your current chow has "corn" as the first ingredient you are wasting money.  Buy one that has meat as the first ingredient and he'll eat less and poop MUCH less.

If he really is not gaining weight on 2 cups and isn't making too much poop then up it to 2.5 cups.  I only say that if he is getting almost constant exercise.

If he isn't eating much or if the poop does not have a noramal shape to it then definitely have him checked out.

Hope that helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Dave, he is fed 2-3 times a day depending on his appetite.  He receives anywhere from 1 2/3 to 2 cups per day.  He also chews a lot on pig ears and moozles.  The type of food we are feeding him is Nutra Ultra Holistic puppy chow which is an expensive brand and has no corn at all in it.  We play fetch with him almost every time he goes outside to use the potty and it's a huge workout each time for him (he loves it).  I would say he has 4-6 big workouts each day.  His bowel movements are definitely normal as far as shape.  Thanks so much for your time! With all these movements, it had me wondering if he was absorbing any nutrition.  Oh, also, he weighs 16.9 lbs. and is 6 months.

His size sounds perfect and he's a lucky Sheltie to have you to play with so much!

Cut back on the food.  Morning give him 3/4 cup, same in evening.  Good for you on the quality food... his body is absorbing what it needs and throwing out what it doesn't.  So if you cut back you should see a rapid decline in quantity of waste.