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Progress - Good and Baaaaad !!

20 10:55:08

Hello again Dave, it's me, Angie.  Hope you had a good vacation!  Heelllppp!!  Misty, my 10 yr old that we've had since 8 mo. old had been "our girl" for all this time and now she has to put up with Teddy, our sheltie.  This is so upsetting to me looking into those sad eyes of Mist, she just looks like she's lost her best friend, even though I try so hard to be extra loving to her.  I know she feels confused and it hurts to see her this way.  She growls and has nipped Teddy when he trys to play with me and will absolutely not want him around her as he is trying to play and be her friend too.  I am so worried that Misty will be so stressed that she will never adapt and am fearful too that it will shorten her life.  I'm just sick about it.  Add to that, Teddy is also jealous of Misty.  I have even thought of giving Teddy up.  It seems not fair to Misty somehow, since she's been such a good, good dog always.  I'm just at a loss and tired of thinking about it!  Now... there is SOME good news.  Ted is doing better going potty and even goes in Misty's bathroom now.  I really need help with the other problem.  I've prayed about it and hoping for some clear answers in this next week.  (Ironically, a girl in my Sunday School class had wanted the same puppy and we found this out when we announced our new addition to the class!)  Is this ironic or is it a case of "no coincidences"??  Thinking maybe Teddy should go to her.  Just wondering if it was in the plan all along.
Hope for some good advice from you.  Encouragement would be nice, but just tell it like it is, okay?
Thanks again, Angie


Thank you for your good wishes, we moved and that's why I pulled out for a while.  I'm chewing on your problem.

Misty clearly is not adjusting well to what has been forced on her and she should be your primary concern.  Normally I would say to keep working with the pup and the pack order.  The issue I see is that Misty is obviously overly jealous of your attention and this raises some long term concerns.  Primarily for Misty's emotional health.

Teddy deserves a stable environment and this won't be easy on him but with the context of your comments I would advise a test run for Teddy at the friend's house. See how Misty does during that time and make your decision based on that.  If she seems less confused and more confident then maybe it is good to keep it this way.  I think Teddy will do well wherever he is.

Time does heal.  Maybe she needs that.
