Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > help me!

help me!

20 11:02:26

My Sheltie constantly wants to mate, it is getting out of hand, just yesterday i saw my two year old son fondling with the dogs scrotum. Is their any way I can reduce its sex drive?  

Hello Frederick:

Unless you know A) you have a perfect specimine of a sheltie and B)truly plan on breeding him you should have all dogs fixed.

I prefer to see breeding done by people who know their dog is without genetic faults.  Not everyone knows what a gated tail is or how an improper snout shape can pollute the bloodline if it is carried on to the next generation.  There are literally dozens of imperfections that would cause a dog to be a poor choice for breeding.  Some cause a great deal of pain and suffering for the later pups.  I totally despise the AKC for their complete lack of resources on tracing and reporting blood line issues.

It is also healthier for the dog and their temperment if they are fixed early.

If my child was doing what your child was doing I would not hesitate to fix the dog.
