Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > Exercise


20 10:54:45

Hi Dave! I have  9 mnth old sheltie that I am trying to keep on an excercise routine. I usually walk/run with him for about 30 minutes in the early morning after his breakfast and before I go to work than again in the early evening after his dinner.I find these bouts of exercise keep him quite settled. My concern is as we move into the colder Canadian fall/winter days his exercise won't be as frequent. I feel its cruel to not be able to take him out for extended periods of time to walk and play. This will be my first winter with him and I am concerned at how well they adapt to changes in exercise habits? Thanks for your advice !!!

Hi Steve,

My suggestion is to make sure you adjust the food intake to keep with the exercise level and provide an alternate stimulation.   Also, do take him out to play in the snow; my Sheltie loves catching snow flakes and snowballs in his mouth.  The combination of the cold and extra effort in the snow should provide a significant exercise time for him.  

Another suggestion: mental exercise can be as much work as physical. Training exercises and treats inside of "dog puzzles" are good mental stimulation for your pup.  

It's a different time of the year with a different schedule.  He will adjust with you.  Try any or all of these ideas and do think outside of the box to find what fits your lifestyle and your dog.  It sounds like you are already aware of his needs and that's the biggest issue I see for the most part so I have confidence that you two will figure it out.
