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chasing alongside neighborhood cars

20 10:55:24

We have a 21 month old son of showdogs. "Danny" is beautiful and has a lively personality. He'd probably do well in agility because he plays soccer and basketball. A neighbor kid would race along our front curb with his motorized scooter and clock Danny boy running alongside him at 17mph, encouraging him to run like hell. This while we were trying to train him NOT to chase cars with clicker.
As long as he has his electric fence collar it keeps him from the street. I'm just terrified he will get hit and killed. His herding instinct is so strong he appears to thrive on this type of behavior, racing along side every vehicle in our suburban neighborhood, and barking. If he were our teenage son, he'd be wanting his own red sports car. We walk him 2x a day on leash to run off energy; he gets zapped if he lunges at cars or school bus. Any advice Dave?  Thanks.  


Now you understand why so many people get two Shelties instead of just one: so they play with each other!

Yes, if we let them they will chase anything.  I will tell you that am not a fan of the electric fence.  It can be defeated when the battery dies or if the dog runs fast enough through and past the radius of the wire.  Plus there is no barrier to keep other dogs out of the yard.

To a MOTIVATED Sheltie a shock will not stop them.  Heck, a fence won't stop a motivated Sheltie!

My best advice is that you keep Danny inside unless you are able to watch him outside.  Keep walking him.  

Turn his instincts towards balls or toys that move for fetch.  There is an excellent game for dogs where they drop the ball in a bucket mounted on a catapult.  The action of the catapult throws the ball across the yard where they retrieve it and drop it in again.  Google search "dog catapult" to find one.

I hope that helps!
