Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > nutrition


20 11:02:31

I'm doing a paper for class on shetlies. Are there any special nutrition requirements for this type of dog and what kind of environment do they live best in (kids,apartments,city,etc)? Any info would be a great help. thanks  

Hi Megan:

Very intersting!  

Shelties were bred to herd livestock in the hills.  They are highly intelligent, efficeint, and can be head strong.
The Sheltie does not require "special" nutrition, but most all dogs benefit from having a meat-based dog food diet as opposed to the corn-based pet foods in my experience. The meat based products are more digestable and have less "waste".

Shelties will function at a high level on less than a cup of quality dog food per day.  If the dogs are actually used for herding they may require a full cup of food a day.

As far as an "ideal" environment for a Sheltie?  I would say a farm with sheep!  However the Sheltie is extremely intelligent and able to adjust to any situaion provided.  I do not recomend apartment living, however I have had a question from an individual in Shanghi with a Sheltie that he has litter-box trained.  

The important thing is to provide the Sheltie with a daily routine to vent their energy and keep them "working".  That job may be herding sheep or catching a ball.  They thrive on serving their masters as they were bred for.  I have heard unconfirmed tales of Shelties that can be told an instruction such as bring the sheep in- and can go and execute the command over several hours across several dozen acres without direct supervision.

Our two Shelties are very good with cats and children.  We live on a wooded cul-de-sac and the squirrels provide much entertaiment for our dogs.  

The real requirement for the dog is that the owner try to understand that there are basic fufilment needs that have to be met daily.  We as humans must make a commitment to do what we promised to our pups, that is provide a good home.  

Let me know if you have any other questions!
