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my poor sheltie

20 10:54:47

I got my sheltie when he was about 6 months old, he is now nine. We got him from a pet store (Little did we know what puppymill was), he developed arthritis and has a thyroid problem. He is supposed to be a 15lb dog, but he is 40lbs. Its my moms dog but all she does is feed him and pick up his poop. I feel bad for him all he does is lay around all day. He lays down so much that his skin sags really bad on the right side where he lies down. I wish i could exercise him more but I'm busy with school and work, as is my sister. We are all very busy, when i do have days off my boyfriend doesn't want to take my dog out because he doesn't like him. My dog is such a good dog, he listens, hes smart, hes just little on the slow side. My family ignores him so much the i had to get him shaved his hair was completely mated. I'm the only one who brushes him and plays with him and its hardly ever (except brushing him i do it before bed twice a week). I would take him to a doggy day care but my boyfriend freaks out when i spend my own money on other peoples animals. My mom is to cheap to pay for a doggy day care. I don't know what to do anymore. we also feed him a cup of day of dry diet dog food.

Dave, what can i do know? can i start taking him swimming to help lose the excess weight (with me holding him of course)i just need to do things discreetly. Is there anyway of getting his skin tight and firm again? Thanks so much!

Hi Alisha,

I am so sorry to hear this.  His case is like many others where dogs are neglected by well meaning people.

What I would do is take him home with you (assuming you live somewhere else).  He isn't your mother's dog, he's your dog.  Is it anyone's business how you spend your money on a dog you love?  

What you can do: first you are already feeding him a diet food in the right quantity and that's a great start.  Next, you should take him out and exercise him.  I'm not very clear on your answer about exercising him: if you want to do it go for it.  If someone else objects then they don't have to be there with you.  Absolutely take him swimming.  We have used a baby-seat ring in the pool for our Sheltie and had him chasing a ball on the water.   Your idea of having him swim might work (but Shelties aren't swimmers and their skin will dry out quickly from the chlorine, be careful!).

Finally: get with the vet on that diagnosis.  See about getting the thyroid levels up and that will fix a lot of the problems with him being so lazy.  Shelties should have a high-normal thyroid and a "normal" reading for them is way too low.  Maybe a run of anti-depressants for dogs would help too.  Get him out of his funk and back up and running.

I would tell you that he's in bad shape based on your descriptions.  He can be much better and happier if you work with him daily and be consistent (even if for an hour).  He will appreciate your efforts.  He might even get "well" but healthy Shelties regularly live to be 11-13 years old.  He isn't that healthy right now, and 9 is pretty old.

Do what you can, ask the vet questions and listen to his advice.  It's ok to get a second opinon if you don't like what the vet says.  If they both agree then do whatever you can to work with what they have advised you.

Good luck, and thank you for trying!