Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > my sheltie wont play with anyone but me.

my sheltie wont play with anyone but me.

20 10:54:48

Hi Dave!  I have a one year old female sheltie that we got from a breeder when she was 8 months old.  I know that shelties are sometimes one person dogs, but she will only play with me.  As you can imagine, this is very disappointing  to my 8 and 11 year old sons.  They have tried many things such as play-bows, pretend sneezing, etc.
She seems to like them and will do training activities and run with both.  She also acts as if she is afraid of my husband when he approaches her. However, she will approach him to be petted or get a treat.  It almost seems like she is playing a game with him?!
  As far as I know she has never been mistreated.  We have been taking her to the kid's sporting events to help her socialize and she seems to enjoy the attention she gets from strangers and other animals. I am somewhat perplexed by her behavior. Any help you can offer would be appreciated!

Hi Donna,

You are the pack leader and I'm guessing you feed her too?  I would also suspect the breeder was a lady?  I would guess that there are some (mostly positive) bondings that have happened younger and she has transferred them to you.  

Let your boys be responsible for feeding and walking her to do her business.  Stay away when they do this but do keep an eye on things.

I understand they want to play, and maybe their enthusiasm is too much attention for her.  She prefers you because she wants to please you and you don't seek her attention like the pack leader would.  Have the boys work on leash training and basic obedience with her.  Have them make her "work" and respond.  Shelties respond very well to this.

If you have some success with this, work on training her with a Frisbee and ball for fetch.

(If you think she is being playful with your husband you are likely correct.  I wonder she would react if he sneezed at her when she approaches him?)  

I hope that helps!