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Sheltie puppy

20 10:54:49

Hi Dave, I recently purchased, from a reputable show breeder, a sheltie pup.  This is my fourth Sheltie so I am very familiar with their personality and quirks but this new one has me wondering.  The puppy is now 14 weeks old and has started running from me when I try to pick him up.  He is very playful and seems to act like it's a big game but it is very irritating especially when I start to see signs that he needs to be taken out to potty.  He is on the small side and very very fast.  He shows no aggressiveness nor does he seem timid.  I recently took him back to the president of the Sheltie club, not his breeder, to get his ears glued and while he was reserved he did not shy away from her nor her dogs.  He did not come home to us this way and I'm afraid my five year old daughter has caused this by grabbing him constantly and holding him.  She is very gentle and safe with him as we do not allow her to walk around holding him but wants to hold him all the time.  We are having to tell her every day to let the dog go.  Could this have caused the puppy to start running from us or is his personality just emerging.  He comes up to us willingly to play but as soon as our hands go out he takes off running.  I don't want him to be hand shy and become snappy.  The really strange thing is when he is on a 15ft training lead, knowing he is bound to us, he comes running across the yard when called and is fine with being petted.  He also has only barked once in the month we have had him.  He is very funny/strange little dog but we already love him dearly.  Thanks for any advice and sorry I went on so long.


Don't apologize!  More information is better than not enough.

The good news: there isn't anything wrong with your pup.  Your descriptions lead me to think you have a very well rounded, strong personality pup.

The bad news: yes, your daughter is making your puppy uncomfortable when she grabs him and holds him.  It would be much better for your daughter to bond with him through playing fetch.  He will get more "snuggly" over the next 5 years if you give him his space now while he is young.  This will disappoint your 5 year old tremendously, I understand.

So I'm confirming what you already knew.  

Enjoy your Sheltie.  Make sure to spend a lot of time socializing him and he sounds like he will be a textbook example of the social friendly type "breed ambassador" we all desire.
