Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > 4 month old pup wont do stairs

4 month old pup wont do stairs

20 10:55:26

We live in a 2 story home and have had our 4 month old sheltie since she was 8 wks old. She will not go up or down the stairs. We have coaxed her and tried to prmpt her on the leash but she puts out her front paws and sits down. She is very bonded to my self and my husband but will lay at the foot of the stairs until we come back down. Any suggestions on how to get her to climb the stairs.

Hi Brenda!

This is not that unusual.  Most likely she is scared of the height of the stairs.  The way to overcome that is through patience and treats.  

I must say this: it would not be bad for you to carry her up and down stairs.  Stairs are very hard on the hips and Shelties aren't usually that heavy.

Now enough crazy dog-person talk, to the answer you really wanted:

Just before dinner time, take the usual food and put a little on the second step.  Help show her where the food is.  If she is timid, "help" her place her paws up on the next step until she can get to the food.  Gradually move her up to the top with food.  You are showing her that she can do it.

Carry her down to the 3rd step from the bottom and show her that she can go down the same way.

Give it a shot.  I hope that helps!
