Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > sheltie


20 10:55:34

Hi there, I was wondering if you have a hint on how to train our puppy not to bark so much.

Hi Mary,

What we did was to be firm about when to bark and not to bark.  A firm "NO" with "DON'T BARK" when you are trying to curb barking helps.  

Try backing that up with a squirt of water from a bottle or the old "two pennies in a coke can noise maker" trick.  Anything to distract from what is making him bark.

Make sure it is clear when it is ok to bark and not ok.  Remember that Shelties will naturally bark at strangers and try to be forgiving.  Barking at the broom, electric toothbrush or blender is not ok but some do that anyway (like mine).  

Some Shelties are going to be more high strung than others.  In general, they will follow your lead on how to react to things.  Some will insist that the vacuum cleaner is their personal mortal enemy while others could care less.  The secret seems to be start young and combine praise and discipline to mold the behavior.  

I hope that helps!
