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Periodic barking

20 10:55:16

I have read all of the previous posts.  I am currently experimenting with "Barker Breaker".  When she barks it emits a loud piercing noise.  I worked with my last Sheltie, but a 14 she became deaf.  I always worried if the barker breaker caused deafness.  Or perhaps, she would have become deaf anyways due to age.  Also, what are your thoughts about citronella?  I am adverse to the shock collars.  Thanks in advance


I would think that a loud piercing noise could be bad if it was that close to a dog's ear; and I do think it could have contributed to the deafness-not certain but yes that is possible.  The citronella does work on some dogs, however I have not run across an Sheltie that it has worked for to my knowledge.  

Shelties are usually way too stubborn to let a bad smell deter them from their genetic programming to protect the herd.

IF citronella does not work then the shock collar is effective and does not cause long term harm.  You only use it for brief periods as a training tool.  I have shocked myself in the arm with a shock collar.  It is unpleasant but not painful nor long lasting.  Bring it back out later for a refresher, without batteries, and watch how the barking ceases.

Hope that helps!