Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > Accidents


20 11:02:17

My sheltie, Mattie, for is turning two years old in may. I've done all the training with her, and she's very smart. Too smart sometimes. Either way, she potty trained without accidents by the time she was 6-7 months old. She had very few prior also. But within the last month she has had five accidents in our living room. The first one was very unexpected, and we thought she might have had too much water. See, she started running the house while we were away at work. She goes from window to window and needs to drink a lot. We limited her water to a half a bowl while we were gone to see if that would help. About a week later she did the same thing in the vacinity of the where the other occured. Four accidents later, after trying different things, we started crate-ing her. We did this when she was a puppy.  Her most recent accident was when someone was home sitting in the same room. She has wind chimes that she rings when she needs to go out, and she didn't bother with them this time.

I'm really lost on what might be causing this sudden regression. I'm calling my vet tomorrow to see if she might have a bladder infection, but I truely don't think that's it. (she can hold it all day in her crate & all night in a bedroom)

please give me advice that can help this- we want her to be the house dog she was.


Hi Laura,

I am very sorry to hear of this development.  The part that concerns me is the frequent need to drink combined with not using her chimes (good idea by the way).  It definitely sounds health related and the vet is your best bet.  I am very sorry to suggest to test for diabetes, here is a link to read about the symptoms:

Get her to the vet NOW...ok?  Let me know what he says if you can?  Also, ask me if I can help with anything else.
