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puppy chewing hindlegs

20 10:55:28

I have a 10 week old sheltie pup and he's started a habit of what looks like chewing his hindlegs and i can hear it like his teeth are chewing on the bone. Is this normal behaviour? Why is he doing it?


Puppies chew because they are teething (lasts about 2 years) and/or because they are bored.  If you don't see any other issues with his skin like red color, flaking skin or losing his fur, let's just start there.

Here is where to start: buy lots of chew toys.  Take him to the store and let him "pick" his own flavor of rawhide or pig's ear.  I guarantee that a pigs ear tastes better than his leg. You should narrow down what he likes and what "agrees" with his system first and look to buy in bulk in future visits.

If he still insists on chewing on his legs then go to the vet.

Hope that helps!
