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aging sheltie

20 11:02:36

I am interested to know what is the average life span of a sheltie. I currently own a sheltie ( 2yrs) and a sheltie mix ( 16 1/2 yrs ). I know my mixed might live longer than a pure-bred, but don't know what the average is,, I think 14-15, is that close?

Thanks, Pat

Hi Pat!

Well, I can definitely say with conviction that it depends on the dog, the diet, the breeding, the vet and YOU.  

It is not unusual for a well-bred sheltie to live to 14 or 15 years old.  Poorly bred dogs have shorter life spans.  There are always exceptions to this rule.  (But you knew this was a somewhat vague question before you asked, didn't you?)

A good lifestyle with a healthy diet, frequent exercise and a lot of love will provide most any dog with a lifespan over 12 years, some as long as 20.  There is a point of diminishing returns where the quality of life must be taken into account- and a good vet helps make that determination with you.  

I hope that helps.
