Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > shaved Sheltie

shaved Sheltie

20 10:55:33

I just picked my 11 year old Sheltie up at the groomers.  I have used this groomer before and I told them to give him the same trim/groom as before.  When I picked him up, they had shaved him.  His mane is gone!  His body hair is extremely short with hair on his tail and face.  I cannot stop crying, I am so upset.  Please tell me his hair and mane will grow back and he will be ok.  Anything else special I should do for him?  I live in Tampa, Florida so it is 75 degrees today, November 26th.  


I am so sorry to hear this!  

The good news is it won't hurt him and it will grow back.  The bad news is it typically takes 6 months or longer for the fur to grow back.  I would keep him indoors or in shade if you can see skin anywhere that would normally be covered in fur.  If they left a thin coat he should be ok.

He is still your dog at heart and doesn't care about his fur.  He just wants you to be happy.  Try to remember that and it will help calm your justified emotions.
