Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shetland Sheepdogs > Injurie


20 11:02:24

Hello this is Michael again and my question is about my selties injury. His injury happened when I was feeding him, I was standing right by the end of the stair and then he ran right pass me by my feet and the staircase. Then he began to cry and as quick as the crying started it stopped, he woulden't bite or any of his other habbits and he sort of limped. What should I do  


Since this question is from 48 hours ago, I would hope that you have resolved his injury.

If he is still injured, take him to the veternarian.

If there are no obvious physical injuries he could have a muscle cramp, just like you or I might get.  Possibly you accidently stepped on his paw and didn't even know you had done so.

Being on the internet does not allow me to view the pup's physical condition so it is always best to call a vet if you have a reason to believe he is in pain or sick.

Hope that helps!
