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Poodle walking sidways after hair cut

20 10:22:17

I just got my 9 week old toy poodle his first puppy cut. His face shaved, his feet and his bottom end. Ever since I brought him home, he walks side ways and runs and then sits down like something is bitting his bottom. He wont walk on the leash as he did before he got his hair cut. It has been 4 days and he is still doing it. I have checked his bottom and there are no nicks anywhere. His tail seems to go to the right when he does try and run.

Hello Karen,
Your dog is reacting to his rear end being shaved.  Its pretty typical of a  dogs first haircut when their rear is shaved.  The area feels weird without any hair there and even if you see no visible nics on him, he could have a mild razor burn which is making him feel itchy back there.  You might try putting lotion or even an itch cream like benedryl cream on it to see if this helps.  I would give him a few more days to get used to not having hair back there, and see if he is better.  
His skin around his rear area is sensitive and now that its been shaved, he can feel every little breeze, or tickle of hair from his tail on his hiney skin.  It either irritates him or tickles him, causing him to hold his tail at an odd angle and jump and twitch around like that.  
Its kind of the way us ladies react the first time we shave our armpits or bikini area.  Its sensitive there and shaving for the first time can make it ticklish or itchy.  
Your dog should get over it soon and with a few more groomings (and maybe applying lotion to the area after shaving), he will become used to it and should take it better.  

I hope this has helped you some.  If you have other questions for me, please feel free to ask.

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