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Table foods for dogs

20 10:05:30

QUESTION: Lastnight we was eating spare ribs tips and i really wasnt hungrey so i feed my pit bull puppy who is only 9wks the rest of my ribs dat i didnt eat is there anything wrong with that the only table food i feed her is chicken ribs and bologna?

ANSWER: Hi KC - A little  meat off the ribs is ok... Don't give table scrapes, if you can help it... Also, never let her get fed near the table.  You don't want to have her begging.

She won't be so cute when she is 60 lbs and her face is on your table!  Can you picture that?

Make sure you are feeding a good dog food such as Wellness Formula small bites / puppy or Solid Gold WEE Bites for Puppies.. A good holistic and natural food.  No junk fillers ....
The main ingredients should be meat based...

Also, give your kid some cottage cheese ( 1/4 ) a cup per day.  This will give some x-tra protien for a growing baby pit bull kid.

Give the cottage cheese for a few months... After your kid is 5 months old, stop the cottage cheese... ( you don't want her to gain too much weight)

A good Vitamin for Pit Bulls is NuVET Plus.
Many Staffie breaders love NuVET Plus and give it to the litters..

BEST wishes and Don't feed your kid table foods... Dog food is formulated with all the vitamins they need.  Plus, a NuVET Vitamin Wafer will give 100% of what your kid needs.

Take care
Marie / The Doggie Chalet Hotel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: we just took our puppy to the vet thinking that she had fleas but its not fleas beacuse we dont see them on her but she be scratching lile she has fleas and its getting to the point where she would scratch and it bleeds the vet says she has a skin irratation and the pill she gave us doesnt seem to be workin cause she still scratching and nibbling on her skin is there shampoo or lotion i could use on her ive tried St.Ives lotion for dry skin please help me before she scratch herself bald

Hi Again- Pit Bulls have skin and coat troubles... very common in this breed...
Sorry... just one of the many things to deal with.

Get her on a good food and you will see results.  ( No junk fillers in the food ) Natural and Holistic food will help !
Also, a good oatmeal shampoo for irritated skin.  Don't use people shampoo on a pit bull because of the special skin needs...

You can also find a Shampoo with Tea TREE oil in it.  Just look around at a pet store and ask the staff for some help.  Explain your problem.. they will be glad to help.

NuVET Plus will help too.  NuVET is a supplement for skin and coat problems... give NuVET a try - Guaranteed to help!

BEST wishes on this!!!

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel