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White/Yellow lab Moving houses

20 9:46:03

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I have a 11 month old white (or yellow) labrador. He knows me as the
alpha male. I am moving apartments in the next two weeks. The apartment
we live in now, he grew up in since he was 5 weeks old. I was wondering
if there would be any behavioral problems? If yes than what might they
be and how should I deal with it? Also he has just been housetrained,
would all that training go to waste, as he might want to start marking
his teritory.


At 11 months, he should be young and adaptable.  If the top dog decides to go live in a different den, then he should deal with it.  There is a chance he will decide he needs to mark the new place.  Less so, if he is neutered.  He may also need to adjust to going to a new door or however he signals he needs to go out.  He may also have trouble with new outside noises when left alone.  if you have been crating him, his old crate in him new home should be a big help.  

I have traveled with intact males, and never had a problem.  Of course, they were very carefully bred and used to being out in new places.  If the previous tenant had a dog, visitors with a dog, others that brought their dog when shown the apartment, etc., you may want to do a complete steam cleaning with pet odor treatment.