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pulling up grass

20 8:46:27

My golden is 5 months old and is an inside dog (but gets plenty of exercise) and is very obedient.  However, when my husband and I are outside playing with him he continually pulls up clumps of grass and will not listen to us when we tell him "no".  Since it is beginning to get cooler here in Louisiana and the dog is enjoying it I want to start putting him outside more, but I'm scared he's going to ruin my grass and my flower beds.  Is there anything that I can do to teach him not to do this?  Or is there anything that I could possible spray in the yard to deter him.  Thanks for your help.

Let me start out by saying I am happy you do mostly keep him in the house.  Dogs belong in the house with their people.  There is too much that can happen if forced to stay outside when you aren't around.  Still some dogs do enjoy being out.  My Pepper would spend most of the day outside and likely misses it now she is away at service dog school.  

I would start obedience training.  Some dogs, nobody can control when they aren't around, but failing to heed your commands to stop is unacceptable.  
Having a good pack structure reduces such problems.  The dogs see all the
people and dogs in the household as a pack with each having their own rank in
the pack and a top dog.  Life is much easier if the 2 legged pack members
outrank the 4 legged ones.  You can learn to play the role of top dog by
reading some books or going to a good obedience class. A good obedience class
or book is about you being top dog, not about rewarding standard commands with
a treat. Start at

Just as a crate is the best solution to chewing and soiling in the house when you aren't around, the only sure way to save your lawn and flower beds is the outdoor kennel.  I do not regard them as a good place for a dog to be left all day, but to give one time to dig, sniff the air, watch the neighborhood, etc. is fine.  There are sprays, perhaps with lawn and garden supplies, that keep dogs away from flowers and shrubs.  You could also try them if he limits his attacks on the grass to a few specific spots.  Other solutions I have heard are burying his feces or balloons where he digs.  Most dogs would just go dig elsewhere.