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a new problem

19 17:57:33

Hello Marie,
We have a 13 month old Goldie who has been crate trained since she was 9 weeks old. Here is our problem:

"Hannah" wakes around 5:30AM (we all do) - she eats around 5:45 or 6AM - goes out to do her business, then plays with her toys while my husband and I get ready for work. Hubby leaves around 6AM, but I don't leave until 7AM. Hannah will jump on our bed and curl up while I get ready.

At 7AM I have to practically pull her off the bed to walk her to her crate. Once she gets off the bed she willingly goes into her crate. Here is the latest problem - once she gets inside, she proceeds to vomit her breakfast!!! This has happened more than once!

I now have to clean everything up - she goes into the crate, and I FINALLY leave for work.

Is she nervous? upset that I am leaving?

Any suggestions?

Wow , this doesn't sound good at all.  I wonder if you can feed her a light meal in the am and a much larger meal in the PM......
Yes, it could be some anxiety.  Try changing around her feeding amounts and times you feed.
HOPE this helps...

Marie Peppers LPN MA