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Golden Retriever chewing her legs

20 8:46:15

Labman -

Our Golden is 8 months, she always chews her joints  of her front legs. Doctor suspects this is either behavior or allergy problems.

Do you have this experiences? My observation is behavior problem. We spray bitter apple but she doesn't care.

What should we do with this?


8 months is rather young to have developed allergies.  How much time are you giving her?  Goldens are attention sinks.  They love being petted by the hour.  A good brushing every day is a great idea.  It give them the attention they desire, keeps their beautiful coat looking good and snarl free, and controls odor eliminating the need for baths.  

To see if it is allergies, try some Benadryl, up to 2 mg per pound every 8 hours.  If that seems to help, you may went to pay for blood work to determine what the allergen is.  It may be something you can remove from her environment, or desensitize her to.