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pregnant golden

19 17:56:48

I have a 3 year old blond retriever and we think she maybe pregnant which is fine we are willing to love and find very good homes but we are wondering she has not been eating for about a month little bits here and there and her belly is hard but not huge she would only be one month along if she is she sleeps alot and wants alot of attention i know i should be taking her into the vet to find out for sure but if i can tell on my own then i would rather wait to take her till she is further along can you tell me by these symptoms if she is pregnant how big should her belly be and it feels worm most of the time

A dogs uterus has 2 horns going up just inside the legs.  If she is a month pregnant, an experienced person can feel the puppies.  

You would do well to pick up some books and do some reading.  Successful Dog Breeding, by Chris Walkowicz, DMV would be a good choice, but even an older book from the public library would cover the basics.  

The vet can easily confirm a pregnancy it is has been a month since her season.  What you are seeing could also be from a infection.  There are nasty ones possible from an accidental breeding.  

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