Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > Teething


19 17:00:44

QUESTION: Our Cocker is 8 months old now and has not lost any teeth. It has been so long since I have raised a puppy I don't remember when it should happen. Thank you.

ANSWER: It's happened and you just haven't noticed :)
Unless you're keeping an eye on their teeth - or they have a tooth problem - it just happens and you can be completely unaware.
Do not worry.  And at 8 months it's time to start getting him used to having his teeth brushed.  Use a child' soft toothbrush and ONLY doggy toothpaste.  By the age of 3 most dogs are showing signs of gingivitus so this will keep his teeth & gums healthy and save you vet bills.
If you have trouble doing it, let me know and I'll tell you a few tricks to get it done.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Delores, thank you for your reply. Should he still be chewing everything in sight? lol. Thanks again.

Sally, make sure he has some nice hard toys..kongs are great.  And he's 8 months...way old enough to be taught NOT to chew certain things (at least not when he can get caught).
Of course, my own is 3 and still grabs the end of a toilet paper roll and runs down the stairs with it so I come home to 40 yards of it wrapped around everything. Sigh :)