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Excessive urinating

19 17:04:16

Hi, I've got a 7 year of female Cocker Spaniel. She's been housebroken and she's on med's for seizures (Phenobarital). Could this cause her to urinate FREQUENTLY? She's not the type to tell me when she needs to go outside so I can never tell and she leaves little puddles all over the house. BTW, how much water should I be giving her per day? She weighs about 12-14 pounds. Thanks, Scott

Some medications do cause more frequent urination, pregnosone taken for allergies for one, and maybe phenobarbital.  You don't have to leave water down for her all the time.  Try letting her drink her fill several times a day, and then taking her out in 20-30 minutes.  It that isn't quick enough, take her out sooner.  Also have her checked for a bladder infection.