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excited, nervous

19 16:58:34

I just adopted two cocker / schnauzer pups about 6 mos old male and female the male is no problem at all the female however often gets nervous or excited and urinates jst a little.  This usually happens when we remove her from their crate.  Is there anything we can do to help her with her anxiety?  Someone told me this is a chronic problem with cockers.

The first thing I'd do is get a urine sample in to your vet because urinary tract infections are extremely common in puppies.  A week or so of the right antibiotic will fix it up. That should be ruled out.

It's also very, very common for puppies to do "nervous piddling" and the best thing to do is just clean it up.  Take them both out every 2 hours - praise & reward when they go and try to keep their bladders empty.

Don't punish or even try to correct her because that will increase her anxiety or excitement.  They do outgrow this so try to "anticipate" when it might happen and get her outside.