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cockerspaniel rash

19 16:59:33

QUESTION: Hi was doing a search on it and found this.  My cockerspaniel is about 9-10 months old. I bath him like every week with a flea shampoo i bought at wal-mart. He has like red bumps and scrapes from where he scrathes. I took him for a haircut like two weeks ago and now it seems like it got worse.  They said that I should buy him vitamins or switch his food. I feed him kibbles and bits. What should I start feeding him? I bought him a new shampoo but its not for flees. Its oatmeal for his skin. Could it be the heat from outside? I was thinking of buying him the hotspot medicine as well.

ANSWER: Kibbles & bits is total crap.  There's just no other way to put it.

Stop buying cheap food and cheap shampoo.  It's a false economy.

I'd put him on Canidae canned (no kibble).  Go to and find a store near you.

Stop using the flea shampoo and you're bathing way too much.

What I'd suggest is buying some Aveeno Oatmeal soak (it comes in a box with packets of powdered colloidal oatmeal).  Fill the tub to cover most of him and mix in one packet (tepid water).  Soak him for 10 to 15 minutes (which feels like an hour - take a kitchen timer with you).

I'd also go to the health food store and buy some PURE aloe vera GEL (not juice).  I use Desert Lily.  Massage this onto any areas that are itchy.

Also - what are you using for flea control?  I'd advise Revolution which also prevents heartworm.  He'll need to go to the vet for a heartworm test first (easy - done in office).  If this is due to mites the Revolution will take care of that too.

Shampoo:  A gentle oatmeal or aloe or neem oil shampoo.

Let me know if the oatmeal soak helps.  And do try the aloe vera.
But do NOT buy something at the drugstore with aloe "in it".
You need the pure aloe gel which means it doesn't matter if he licks it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hello again. Thank you so much! Yes, my dog already is taking something every month for heartworms.  You said that I am bathing him too much. What is the usual amount of baths to give my pet and for what duration of time? As for the flea shampoo I don't know what brand it is but haven't used it since I took him for a grooming about two weeks ago. They dipped him, bathed him, and gave him a haircut. I bought him the premium natural oatmeal shamoo. To control the fleas before grooming I would bath him with flea shampoo and he had a hartz flea collar. I am kinda afraid to bath him with flea shampoo cause his what do you suggest I do to control his fleas??

ANSWER: What do you mean they "dipped" him?  And Hartz flea collars are dangerous.  Take that off immediately.

As I said, I recommend Revolution (get it from vet or get a prescription & order online - cheaper) and it does heartworm too so you don't need two products.

If he has fleas you need to get rid of them to solve his skin problems.  Some dogs are allergic to flea bites.

What exactly is he on for heartworm?  Why isn't he on a flea control

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok..I really don't know which flea collar it was. Just guessed.  He was given to me by my cousin in March. They gave me his flea medicine and his heartworm medicine as well. It was a flea dropper came in a small container and said to put it on his back.  His heartworm brand is HeartGuard.  I give it to him once a month.  His skin looks better guess it was because of the oatmeal shampoo. Just that his shoulders look a little bald lol and his bottom.  I will go ahead and try a different food and get the dropper medicine from PetsMart.Thanks again for responding, I  reallly appreciate it.

Hold on.  You never "combine" different flea products.

What "dropper medicine" are you talking about?  I'm quite concerned
you could make this pup sick.

I suggest taking him to the vet since losing fur is not normal.
Most definitely do not start medicating him yourself.  

If you have a Petsmart near you, they carry a very good food called AvoDerm.  Always switch foods slowly by adding a bit more of the new food every day.