Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > 1 y/o male cocker

1 y/o male cocker

19 17:01:41

QUESTION: I adopted a year old male cocker spaniel from the "pound" about 3 months ago.  Recently, when I try to redirect an unwanted behavior (nicely) he frantically cries and bites me.  This has happened 4 times so far, he has not broken my skin. I am just wondering if the crying/bitting is normal for a rescue cocker of this age.  I have had 3 mixed dogs and I have never heard such a cry!  Not one of the three mixed breeds have ever put their teeth on me at a year old.

ANSWER: Hi Stacey,
Could you tell me exactly how you're "redirecting" unwanted behavior and what the behavior is?

My first instinct is that this dog is associating whatever you're doing with some past "unpleasantness" for him.
I really doubt this is aggression but more some kind of fear-reaction.

So, if you can write back in more detail (as much as possible) I may have some suggestions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, 2x he bit me when he was trying to steal his training treats from my bag, one time is was while we were playing in the back yard and he was trying to eat/chew wood, he is well fed (merrick dry and home cooking) and not hungry.  The last time it happened he was jumping on me non-stop. I usually would say no and give him something he could have such as a toy or bone.  Other times I would redirect by trying to engage him in another activity or start a training session.  I was shocked at first because I have never heard a cry like that before and didn't think it was a bite signal. I thought he was hurt!  He has been to the vet 2x and is well, we also worked with a clicker trainer a few times and I train him daily.  I really feel like he is challenging me and wants to be in charge.
Are you familiar with this crying and biting?  I have seen growling and biting but never this.
Thanks Delores!
ANSWER: Okay.  Has his training involved "Leave it".  This is a command that means "Put it out of your mouth and on the floor" or "don't touch it"?

I'm sorry to keep asking questions, but the
"bite" it a nip?  You're absolutely correct that he's trying you on for top dog position.  This is very typical of cockers and people don't realize what dominant dogs they are.  

At his age and state of training I'm going right to a trick my own trainer taught me.  Get a bunch of empty pop/beer cans.  Put about 15 pennies in each one - tape the tops shut.  Have them "everywhere".  They need to be within instant reach.

When you say NO and he ignores it, pick up a can - raise your arm and as you say NO again, bring it down hard (as in a baseball throw) once.  This makes a startling racket.

Then stop and watch for a second.  If he doesn't back off, come forward towards him, say NO again and do it again.
No yelling - no punishment - just an unpleasant consequence.
When he does back off, just walk away.  No treat.  Ignore him for 5 minutes.

Re the food:  Merrick is good and homemade is even better.
Mixing them can be dicey unless you're doing them on different days.  You need to add a calcium supplement to home made and omega 3's and I always find that so difficult to compute when combined with commercial food.  In the long run, you can end up with it being unbalanced.
You sound experienced enough to know this must stop and now.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I did not say before that I do use the leave it command.  It is a bite and not a nip, although not hard enough to puncture.  It does have to stop and I am going to try the can trick. I think the biting started when the training started, so I'm thinking he is unhappy with not being in charge.  Hmmm, about the food - my vet told me that I could mix real foods in with the dry and the dry would take care of the calcium and vitamin needs.  He had been on Natural Balance cans but they were recalled, maybe I will try Merrick cans for him.  While I'm here, do you have any tips for tear stains?  
Thanks so much,

The commercial won't "take care of things" if it's cut in half.  Why not go totally homemade?  You're doing it anyway.
I'd be happy to help.  Vets spend about 4 hours in their entire education on nutrition and are notoriously bad sources for guidance.  (Which is why their offices are stacked with Science Diet).

Yes, try the can trick.  And do not lose eye contact with him.  Let him break eye contact and walk away.  (Only alpha dogs get to "stare" :)

I also like Innova EVO for cockers.