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housebreaking a two year old male American Cocker

19 17:03:49

I have adopted a two year old male, and am having a very hard time housebreaking him. He gets to go outside several times during the day and the evenings. He has a habit of going out and doing one thing and then coming in the house and doing whatever he didn't take care of outside. If I stand outside with him and tell him, "no, go potty", he will do both things. I haven't been able to prevent the peeing in the house.

Thank you for adopting him.  There are so many nice older dogs needing homes.

Is he OK inside once you have stayed out with him telling him go potty?  As he adjusts to living with you, he may do better on his own.  Praising him for going and keeping him moving when he is outside, could hasten the time when he will do better.