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Cocker Spaniel biting her legs

19 17:00:32

Hi -

I have a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel who recently has started to scratch her hind legs and bite her legs.  She doesn't appear to have any sores and her skin is not flaking.  However, she is biting so much that her fur is becoming matted and is consistently damp.  I don't know what to do about the issue and nothing has changed recently as far as her diet or anything.

Any help you can give would be great. Thanks!

Is it only the one area, Caitlin?  The first thing I'd do is give her a bath in a gentle dog oatmeal shampoo.

If you're not used to bathing dogs, it' essential to rinse well..really, really well. Use tepid-barely warm water
since hot water can make her more itchy.

I'd also buy some colloidal Oatmeal and soak her for ten minutes.  Aveeno makes one (comes in a box with packets of oatmeal powder) but the generic version is cheaper and is the same thing.  Just make sure the label says 100% colloidal oatmeal.  Fill the tub with just tepid-warmish water
and pop her in for ten minutes.  You only have to "cover" her hind quarters so make her sit in it.

Now that's just for some temporary relief so now we need to find out what's causing this.
Could she have fleas?
What are you feeding her?

Caitlin, I'm pretty sure I can help you.  It'll involve a food change and some supplements with a "soak" twice daily for awhile until things kick in.

If you'd like to write me directly that would be a lot quicker.