Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > My baby is just coming into heat!

My baby is just coming into heat!

19 17:00:58

QUESTION: My American Cocker Spaniel: Her slight bleeding started an hour ago.  no vets are open right now and she just turned seven months old.  i will get her to a vet asap, but what do i do in the meantime to sooth her?  she is swollen and uncomfortable.  she probably can't get fixed until tomorrow.  what should she be eating and is it okay to have cats around her.  I am especially suscepticble to infections due to auto-immune disease.  Can her heat give me an infection in my eyes, ears, mouth, etc?

ANSWER: Hello Janice,
I'm sure by now you're at the vet.  I do hope you're planning on getting this pup spayed?  Most vets will prefer to wait until she's not in heat.

And I've never heard of any infection passing due to a heat.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Delores,  God Bless you and thank you so much!!!  But what i now need to know is how i can sooth my pup while she is in heat until she can get immediately spayed?  would hot packs help, or cold?  would a certain diet be good for her right now?  I am noticing that she is scratching a lot.  is a bath good or bad for her now?  should i just towel her to bathe?  she doesn't want her normal food which really surprises me.  what does she want to eat right now?  any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!  janice and Lyla Monique

Hi Janice,
Don't worry overly.  Being in heat IS hard on her but it IS a natural state.
Yes, a bath would probably soothe the itching and if you're feeding kibble...go out and get some canned food.
NOT from the supermarket..get some Canidae All Life Stages or Innova EVO...Merrick..Evanger's Complete dinners.

And, for heaven's NOT let her out unattended.
You'll have every male within a 5 mile radius trying to get to her.

Call your vet and ask how long after the heat you can get her spayed.  If you're worried about her, then take her in for a check today.