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question about crate training

19 17:00:06


I have a 10 weeks old cocker spaniel, and she is a very active happy puppy.  When I go to work in the morning, she is kept in the crate for about 8 hours during the day.  I let her out and play and feed her after I come home from work.  I thought people say dogs do not like to potty where they sleep, but her crate is usually wet when I check it.  I understand that 8 hours is a very long time to hold it, even for a human, but my question is because I can't be home all the time, should I still keep crate training her the way I've been doing or should I box her and the crate in an area where it's safe for her to potty on training pads somewhere in the house?  sorry for the long question.

ANSWER: Hi Bobby, sorry but you have answered your own question, eight hours is far too long to expect a puppy to hold on, at this age they have no bladder control, but i must say eight hours is defo far too long to be leaving her in a crate, whilst this is none of my business i recommend you try and get someone to pop in and let her out, you could put her somewhere where she has more room and can use her training pads, you will never toilet train her whilst she is being left for eight hours, you are also going to have other issues aswell, for one she is not being given enough attention, do you know you are not supposed to leave a puppy for longer than 3-4 hours, i cannot understand a breeder letting you have a puppy knowing it was going to be left for this amount of time, im really sorry to sound harsh, but my cocker has just had five pups and every potential owner was questioned as to where the puppy would be sleeping and how long during the day was it being left, i would not of let one of my puppies go anywhere if it was being left for that amount of time. You really do need to try and get home at lunch time or try to get a neighbour to pop in, at the moment she probably does a lot of sleeping but in the next few weeks she is going to start needing more and more attention, which if she dosent get it she will start causing problems. Again im so sorry for sounding harsh and i am not being rude, but you are honestly asking for trouble. Is this a permanent arrangement for her to be left?

Hi Bobby sorry but forgot to say do you realise that a ten week old puppy should be having four meals a day how are you managing to feed her, honestly you need to rethink the situation you are in, sorry

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the response Kathy.  I have been told that 2 times is all they need to be fed.  The current daily (weekdays) training routine with my puppy is that, I take her out of her crate and potty train her in my backyard as soon as I wake up in the morning, then I feed her and let her play in the house while I get ready for work.  Before I leave, I take her outside once more to potty.  When I leave for work, she is kept in this blocked off area in my bedroom with her crate (open), rugs, fresh water, toys, and training pads set up in there.  I do not free feed her because I hear it's bad for her potty train.  So now she is free in that blocked off area instead of being locked up in the crate during the day.  When I come home in the evening, I take her outside right away to take care of "business", then feed her again, followed by playing time.  I know she's very needy, so I do give her as much as attention when I'm home.  I usually play with her and take her oustside every hour until it's time to go to bed.  In the weekends, I bathe her and spend time with her all day.  what do you think of the routine I set up for my puppy?

Also, I have been told that twice a day is enough to feed my puppy, it is also listed on the lable of the puppy food, that's why I have been feeding her twice a day.

ANSWER: Hi Bobby, The routine you have going is good, and you sound very dedicated, i still think its too long to be leaving her, these puppies get very bored and i hope she dosent start being destructive because her toys will not always be enough! what you are doing is great but may not be enough, a puppy does need company and being left on its own for that amount of time she may well become withdrawn, or destructive, she may also become so attached to just you that you will have a hard time introducing her to life!
When can she go out for walks and has she had her injections. I agree you should not free feed her but she should be having three meals a day, however if she is happy on two then thats fine, my Cocker is three and still has two meals a day, thats kinder on their tummies, i just wish i lived close to you, cuz i would pop in and see her during the day for you, do you live on your own, and is there any way you could pop home to see her, toilet training is not going to be easy if you dont. You are doing everything right and it sounds like she gets lots of cuddles and kisses and attention when you are there, (Nothing like a cocker kiss is there?) She sounds lovely any chance of a pic. I wish you well and hope it all goes well with your pup, i hope you can find a way of getting home to see her, have you thought of a dog sitter there are a lot of registered sitters available on the web, might be worth looking into, because you really are attached to your pup and im sure you want the best for her and honestly leaving her for eight hours is not being kind, take this advice in the way it is intended (kindly) im only thinking of your pup.
Take care

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Kathy, my pup Lulu was born on Christmas eve, she's about 11 weeks now.  She is such a cutie, and I have tons of pictures of her to share, but I don't know how to post them using this site.  She's scheduled for her last vaccine shot next week, by then I can take her for walks in the nearby park.  I will take your advise and try to squeez time during work to visit her whenever I can.  Thank you for all your answers!

Hello again Bobby glad i could help, im really glad you are going to try to pop home well done. A Christmas pup how lovely, i tell you what here is my email address so you can send me some pics if you like, i love puppy pics its (only if you want to) My girlie is a blue road Working Cocker although i dont work her, whats yours, and have you heard of the web site Cockersonline you should join its great people on there are so friendly and will always find someone to give you great advice, i joined and its like having a thousand friends, all knowing how your feeling and what your going through, try it its really good,
Take care and good luck with Lulu, mines called Lucy
