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Timing of Heat Cycles

19 16:47:49

Hello Delores

You have assisted me on many occasions with questions regarding my American Cocker Spaniel, Khloe.  I am once again in need of direction...

Khloe first came into heat during August 2010 then again in April 2011.  Since this time she has not been in season at all which is beginning to concern me slightly.  Is this something I should take up with my vet or is it common for Cockers to have fluctuating heat cycles?

Any assistance you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated as all the information I have been able to go through on the internet only advises how long the cycle lasts not how long it should be between cycles.

It is normal for heat cycles to fluctuate.  A tip in researching if you're not getting the answer you want - ask the question differently.
In this case asking "Do dogs have fluctuating heat cycles" instead of "Timing of heat cycles" would produce different information.