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cocker spaniel alements getting old

19 17:03:40

what does the peroxide do ? curious .. or for ?

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Question -
have a female about 13 yrs old, could be coinedence, but lost her male buddy a year ago, seems of lately she has no appitate and is having difficulity with her hind legs and mobility ? any thoughts .... sorry for speeling

Answer -
I am sure losing her buddy has reduced her interest in life.  She may have arthritis too.  You could give her half a standard buffered aspirin twice a day.  Not Tylenol, Advil, etc.  You could also put a capful of peroxide per gallon in her drinking water.  Your vet has even more effective remedies.

I don't quite understand it either.  I know enough chemistry to know that the peroxide would break down as soon as it hits the stomach.  If I read it on the net, I would have dismissed it as more kooky nonsense.  My vet recommenced it. He is a well know joint specialist, with people coming here from all over the country to have their dogs treated.   

I think I can see a difference in my 12 year old Lab using it.  Since she shares a water dish with a puppy I am raising for a dog guide school, I checked with them.  They are not convinced, but didn't forbid me to give their puppy peroxide too.