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Disorientation of my Cocker

19 16:59:07

My Cocker who is 6 years old has been suffering of dizziness & disorientation for about an hour for the last 3 days. He invariably gets it in the evening. He walks around in circles as he is blind, whimpers & growls. I have to give him a sedative to get him to sleep. He seems perfect in the mornings. I have a pair of Spaniels & we have got an addition who is his sibling & 5 years old. However there is a battle for territorial space. Is he stressed because of the new arrival, is this the beginning of epilepsy?? Please help, i'am so desperate!!! I'am showing him to the vet today!

I hope the "sedative" was prescribed by your vet?

I'm glad he's off to the vet today.  I'm sure your vet will do a complete work-up but I doubt very much this is epilepsy.

I'd like to know what's going on in the evenings?  Did this begin right after you got the new dog?

The fact that it only seems to happen at a particular time may be a clue.

The symptoms you describe are similar to cognitive dissonance (which is dog senility) but he's far too young for that.
Please let me know what your vet thinks.