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potty training

19 16:47:45

My cocker is approximently 3monthes old.Most of the time he does well with pottying when we are home or at my parents house.However,I have weekly treatments,and they make me very tired and alittle sick.When I get home from the treatment I always take him out.The past 3weeks he has waited til he got back inside to poop.This is just on my treatment days.Also,everytime we visit my grandmothers house,he poops in her kitchen.He knows he isnt suppose to do it because when I see it and say his name....he runs.I have tried spanking with newspaper,showing it to him,and sayin "No....Bad Boy!" I dont know what else to do........HELP????PLEASE

You're expecting a lot from a 12 week old puppy.

Take him out (on leash) every few hours...pick a command "go potty" (or whatever you choose),
no other conversation.  Keep giving the command and especially when you see he's about to go - praise over the top in a "happy voice" and give him a treat.

Unless you catch him right in the act and say NO and take him outside - forget it.  He's only running because of the cross tone of your voice but has no idea why.

Before any visit to Grandmother's house - walk him for 1/2 an hour (praise & reward when he goes) and this will stop him from making mistakes when he's excited.

If you get all over this he'll be done with it within a couple of weeks.  Sporadic training simply doesn't work.