Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > My dogs are suddenly peeing everywhere...

My dogs are suddenly peeing everywhere...

19 16:56:36

I have a 3 year old Cocker Spaniel and a 5 year old Alaskan Malamute, what seems to of caught my attention is that the both of them are all of a sudden peeing in the house. Don't get me wrong their both potty trained, but they've been acting really wierd lately. Could this be a change in behavior, or something else?

ANSWER: The first thing I'd ask is "what has changed in the household?"
And are they doing this at any specific time?  Meaning - when you're out?  At night?  Are they peeing in a particular spot?

If this was just one dog, I'd immediately suspect a urinary tract infection but the chances of both dogs having one simultaneously are pretty slim.

So when did this start?  Can you connect it to an event - a new person - anything different?  And what are you doing when this happens?  And are you SURE it's both dogs doing this?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, we got the malamute not long ago, but my Spaniel whom I've had for three years is peeing so often that its frustrateing! He'll do it when were watching movies or any other time. We thought that Socks might be jealous but I'm just not sure about the malamute.

What should I do?

Your cocker needs a urinalysis.  Simple thing to do - get a urine sample in a sterile container and take it in to the vet.  First morning sample is best and if you can't take it directly in - refrigerate until you can.

It's a simple fix with a round of antibiotics and MUST be ruled out.

Please do this - your dog is uncomfortable and this needs to be treated.  Urinating excessively is a sure sign of an infection.