Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > My dog wants to pee when I brush him

My dog wants to pee when I brush him

19 16:58:21

Help me please.  When I try to brush our dog who is now approximately 3 wants to squat and pee.  We have been taking her outside to do, but it is cold now and unable to do that.  Besides I would like to brush her daily.  Any hints you could give us so this doesn't happen.

Well, this is the first time I`ve had this question :)

I`d try brushing her AFTER a nice, long walk when her bladder is empty.  I`would also try waiting till she`s relaxed (maybe on the bed with you while you`re watching tv) and first start with a bit of massage and then some brushing.

I also wonder if the brush you`re using is somehow irritating?

But I`d definitely try changing the routine-timing of the grooming.