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seven month old cocker spaniel itching

19 16:52:31

QUESTION: Hi Delores,  My little bitch is scratching like mad and leaving tufts of herself everywhere.  is her diet wrong?  I do not see any fleas though she does seem to have some flakey areas but no raw or inflamed spots.  Vet did prescribe anti histamines to no great avail.

ANSWER: Did your vet use a "tape or scrape" of some skin cells to analyze what this might be?  This takes only a few minutes.

How long has this been happening?  Was any topical approach recommended?  What flea product are you using?  And what are you feeding?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry Dolores for lack of info.  No the vet did not do that.  I feed her Bakers Complete and also give her fish,which she loves, and occasionaly some meat or chicken.  I have not used any flea product.

Fish should only be given once a week.  That applies to humans too due to mercury contamination.And a lot of dogs are allergic to fish.

The first thing to rule out is fleas.  I usually suggest Revolution since it does fleas, mites, and heartworm.  The "ingredient" is Selamectin which is a med as opposed to a pesticide which most of them are.  You may have an equivalent product there.

But the first goal would be to give her some relief.  Again, I have no idea what products are available there re shampoos or conditioners but give her a bath using a gentle shampoo...rinse, rinse, rinse - then rinse again.

There's a bath "soak" here called Aveeno.  It's just 100% pure colloidal oatmeal and comes in a box with packets of powder.  You fill a tub with warmish water, mix in a packet and soak the dog for 10 minutes.  Do not rinse off.  Your pharmacy probably has a comparable product - but the only thing on the label is "100% colloidal oatmeal".

Another thing you can try is a final rinse in half water/half white vinegar.  I know that sounds strange but it often works.  Just fill a big jug or pail and when you've finished rinsing VERY well..pour it over her.  Yes, she'll smell like a salad for an hour, but it dissipates quickly.

I'm familiar with Bakers - not a great food for cockers and I'd definitely be adding some high quality protein to that.  I can tell you what - how much - how to cook it.

Let me know how the topical approaches work and how much relief they give.

But basically something is wrong here and your vet has been woefully inadequate.